These tips make it for the fans of tea, I happened to get from the mailing list.
Green Tea is a beverage stretching age. Studies in Norway show that they are diligent at least a cup of tea a day can reduce mortality. Other research with human subjects of old age (elderly) in the Netherlands to produce findings that the risk of death from heart disease declines with the habit of drinking tea.
It also has proven itself in Chinese society that has more than 100 years of age. 'In Indonesia, the age of 50 years died is considered normal. Moreover, death due to degenerative disease. Tea is one way to prevent disease degeneracy.
History of the Chinese mention green tea (Camellia sinensis) began to be used as a beverage since 2700 BC in the dynasty of Emperor Shen Nung, but recorded in the ancient dictionary of 350 years before Christ. About 200 years before Christ in the book mentioned Chinese herbs nutritious tea leaves removes toxins from the body.
In the Japanese tradition of drinking tea originated in China around the 6th century AD. Since then, green tea has become a popular health and efficacious for use in shipping remote crew.
Research on green tea continue to be done until in 2004 they will know thoroughly the components in green tea as powerful antioxidants, which are able to ward off the attack of free radicals which cause degeneration in human organs, including the emergence of various types of cancer, of whom at esophagus (food inlet to the stomach), stomach, pancreas, colon, rectum, bladder, prostate,
even lung and breast.
A potent antioxidant tea components. From at least seven components, there are four important components of the type of poly phenols in tea catechins act as powerful antioxidants, namely:
1) epigallocatechin-3 gallat (EGCG),
2) epigallocatechin (EGC),
3) epicatechin-3 gallat (ECG).
EGCG is the most powerful, 100 times the vitamin C and 25 times the vitamin E. Poly phenols are easily soluble in water include cluster groups of flavonoids are usually present in fruits, vegetables, coffee, chocolate and wine. Their own free radicals are formed naturally in the body. These molecules can damage human cells. People suspect that this is one of the molecular causes of cancer, including various types of other diseases such as heart disease and aging.
The content of poly phenol compounds that are very much in green tea acts as a protective against cancer. Poly phenols belong to a powerful antioxidant. This compound will neutralize free radicals that cause cancer.
Biological function in the health of various kinds, a lot of green tea is recommended for consumption because the benefits were double.Not just as powerful antioxidants, fight heart disease or prevent inflammation, but green tea has a 'has lot of' other benefits that you should not ignore. Anything? Let's see:
° as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals
¨ Work on Preventing cardiovascular disease & heart disease
¨ Reduce cholesterol in the blood.
¨ Stimulates weight loss.
¨ Prevent the development of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori causes stomach pain, support the growth of microflora in the intestines and diarrhea.
¨ Protecting renal function by pressing the effects of uremic poisoning
¨ Prevent perforation tooth and gum disease.
¨ Eliminate bad breath (deodorization).
¨ Slowing the process of cataract.
¨ Indicate the nature of anti-virus and anti-microbial.
¨ Have the nature of "chemo prevention" (to prevent cell damage through a process
¨ Protects skin from ultraviolet rays.
¨ Inhibits lung damage due to tobacco.
¨ Protects liver
¨ To provide protection against acute pancreatitis.
¨ Maintain healthy esophagus.
¨ Protects the stomach lining.
¨ Prevent the growth of prostate and breast tumors
¨ Protects memory
¨ Creator ageless
In addition to the above, catechins are also anti-allergic, which prevents the formation of histamine which is a body reaction when attacked by allergens that cause allergies. Research shows that a cup of green tea has anti-oxidant power greater than a serving of broccoli, carrots, spinach or strawberries.
Below is described some explanation of the biological functions of research results
1. Activity as antioxidants
Antioxidant properties of green tea could protect DNA of cells from free radical oxidation damage attack and thus the growth of cells
wild or benign tumors can be prevented.
2. Benefits against cardiovascular disease and cholesterol levels in
Epidemiological studies (studies the causes of disease in the population) show
that those who drank four cups of green tea per day or more smaller risk of having atherosclerosis (blocked arteries) and heart disease green koroner.Teh reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol) and lower total serum cholesterol and triglycerides total. In contrast, black tea (green tea is not fermented) did not affect anything on the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
3. Stimulate weight loss.
Green tea increases the incidence of burning body fat and plays an important role in controlling the composition of the human body.
4. Preventing the bacteria H. Pylori, the cause of abdominal pain, increased gut microflora and is useful in treating diarrhea. H. pylori is a bacterial cause of gastritis and deadly gastrointestinal disease, including cancer. Component of green tea, especially ECGC healing effect against H. pylori infection is. Polyphenols from green tea stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are proven to enhance immunity. In addition, reducing the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridium perfrigens, Clostridium difficle, even the bacteria Escherichia coli.
5. Renal protection from the formation of uremic toxins.
Kidney major role in the release of substances that are useless produced by metabolism in the body. The kidneys have a better ability to maintain its function and to regenerate organs. Accumulation of uremic toxins in the kidneys resulting in decreased kidney function that is marked by symptoms of uremia or kidney failure. These toxins include methylamine, acid guani-dino-sukkinat and metilguanidin. Metilguanidin derived from creatinine is trending cause diseases such as anorexia (poor appetite), ulcers (peptic ulcers), neuropathy (nervous system disorders) and anemia (deficiency of red blood). Polyphenols in green tea suppress the production of metilguanidin as seen from the decreasing levels of serum metilguanidin in blood after drinking green tea for some time. (Trials lasted up to six months).
6. Prevent cavities and gum disease.
Both of these are caused by the growth-development of oral bacteria. Green tea is obviously reduce the amount of harmful bacteria, including streptococci in the mouth and prevent the occurrence of plaque (coral) teeth. Gum disease occurs due to inflammation of the gums due to bacterial infection of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Green tea can significantly reduce the bacteria in the lining of the gums that make your mouth healthier.
7. Deodorisasi effect in the mouth.
Sulfur compounds formed in the mouth like methylmercaptan and some sulfide as a result of decomposition of proteins by enzymes and bacteria cause bad breath (halitosis) after meals. Green tea can reduce
a striking phenomenon this halitosis.
8. Slowing the process of blurring of the lens in cataract.
Cataract allegedly arising from the formation of reactive oxidant species peroxide (such as free radicals) that attack the cells so that the lens gradually becomes opaque. ECGC was able to stop this blurring process by pressing the increase in the formation of peroxides. Thus proved ECGC in green tea may prevent or slow the occurrence of cataracts.
9. Antiviral and antimicrobial effects
The virus entered the human body through the skin, sexual organs, respiratory and digestive tract. Viruses contain DNA or RNA that could reproduce themselves by using human cells. Green tea was able to influence the biosynthesis of virus proteins with human cells, that concluded catechins from green tea may be useful to prevent or treat various disorders caused by viruses, including pathogenic DNA viruses: adenovirus, herpes, smallpox, and viral RNA: retroviruses (cause of HIV / AIDS). Several types of retrovirus and herpes are also stimulates the growth of cancer. Common symptoms caused by viral infection are fever, fatigue, poor appetite and poisoning. In addition to the prevention of DNA and RNA synthesis above, extracts of green tea also are antiviral against influenza viruses, herpes simplex, Coxsackie virus B6 and polio. It was concluded that green tea showed the ability against the "bacterial
cytotoxicity "(toxicity in the cell by the bacteria) and the ability to fight viruses and bacteria.
10. Chemical Prevention (Chemo prevention).
Eating and lifestyle habits that interfere with health such as eating lots of fat, spices and pickles that stimulate and also smoke, drink alcohol and eat less vegetables and fruits cause various health problems due to degeneration. These disorders include hypertension (high blood pressure), heart problems, stroke and cancer. Prevention of Chemical Terms (Chemo prevention) differ with Cancer Therapy because here the main objective is to reduce the risk of the possibility of cancer. Because it is in a healthy lifestyle, foods and supplements that contain anti-carcinogenic substances must exist in the daily diet.
Research shows that drinking green tea in large quantities, especially more than 10 cups a day of great benefit to human health, including chemical prevention of cancer, including cancers of the digestive system of the esophagus (food channel between the mouth and stomach) to the stomach, intestine and rectum . Green tea also suppress the growth of the virus that causes leukemia in the blood of ECGC even proved able to kill leukemia cells that are common in America.
Advantages of chemical prevention of cancer with green tea is its safety without any side effects, cheap and quick to prepare.
11. Protects the skin against ultraviolet light.
The content of polyphenols in green tea can prevent cancer and inflammation in the skin. If applied to the skin, he was able to protect the skin from UV rays and substances that stimulate the tumor to the skin. These benefits are also obtained when green tea is drunk. At this time there was a protective skin cream against ultra-violet rays that contain green tea components called epigallo.
12. Prevent damage to the lungs by tobacco.
Drinking green tea prevents the occurrence of tumors in the lungs caused by carcinogens in tobacco content, the various compounds nitrosamines.
13. Protecting the liver
As antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause damage
cells, green tea increases the activity of the enzymes the body's defense superoksid dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase and catalase which protects the liver, lungs, skin, mammary glands and digestive system. Other studies have shown the ability of green tea provides protection against brain aging. (Regarding these enzymes see article this blogspot aging).
14. Protects against acute pancreatitis.
Controlled studies of a large number of residents in Shanghai showed reduced risk of colon cancer, rectum and pancreas. After treatment with polyphenols from green tea as much as 500 mg / kg body weight per day, was a decline in the number of those affected by pancreatic cancer.
15. Keeping healthy esophagus.
Esophageal cancer was ranked the ninth of cancer that frequently occur in the world. Approximately 300,000 new cases reported each year while 80% of them occur in developing countries. As against other cancer types, green tea can prevent it if taken regularly.
16. Protecting the skin layer of the stomach.
Epidemiological studies also show that those who drink green tea regularly at low risk of skin cancer in the lining of the stomach. This is because the ability of EGCG to prevent cancer in glands on the surface of the stomach.
17. Prevent the growth of prostate and breast tumors.
Reports from several countries in Asia showed low level of prostate and breast cancer cases in areas that have a habit of drinking green tea daily.
18. Protect your memory.
Green tea seems to also keep the brain remain 'sharp' from the danger of dementia. Adults who drink green tea at least two cups a day appear to have no serious cognitive problems than those who drank tea less than that amount. Why? Once again because of high doses of antioxidants contained in tea to combat free radicals are potentially damaging to the brain like those seen in patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
19. Constructor ageless.
Well this is the most important of the younger and healthier your arteries, so the impact you are also getting looks healthier and younger. So fight plaque that accumulate in the blood vessels that would increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Add biological age and energy by consuming green tea. How many doses should be consumed? About 10 ounces of green tea per day which will hinder the body absorb fat and cholesterol that clog arteries.
Results from various studies in the United States, Europe and Asia showed that green tea is beneficial in reducing the risk of skin cancer, digestive system, lung, prostate, breast, and liver as well as the process of cataract in the eye. As antioxidants, polyphenols in green tea protects the blood and LDL cholesterol from free radical attacks that lead to cardiovascular disease and stroke. Its role in the increased activity of defense enzymes that fight free radicals cause the polyphenols it contains gives the nature of anti-viral and antimicrobial as well as prevent the onset of uremic toxins that cause kidney failure, against the bacteria that attack the gums and causes tooth perforation.
Polyphenols in green tea is easily absorbed into all parts of the human body, does not cause toxicity in the long term because of its high toxicity threshold. Figures of the mouse lethal dose limit is between 3 g / kg for female rats and 5 g / kg for male rats. Therefore, when drinking 10 cups of green tea every day, its polyphenol intake for humans is only about 20 mg / kg body weight, well below the lethal threshold. Figures 10 mg / kg body weight or 5 cups a day was effective enough to provide protection by antioxidants.
Various studies support the conclusion that drinking green tea regularly can help businesses significantly improve health and disease prevention. Drinking black tea, the tea leaves have fermented it to enhance the flavor and fragrance, is also helpful, but not as much green tea.
(Adapted from information from the Internet based on the results of research around the world).
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Green Tea |
Green Tea is a beverage stretching age. Studies in Norway show that they are diligent at least a cup of tea a day can reduce mortality. Other research with human subjects of old age (elderly) in the Netherlands to produce findings that the risk of death from heart disease declines with the habit of drinking tea.
It also has proven itself in Chinese society that has more than 100 years of age. 'In Indonesia, the age of 50 years died is considered normal. Moreover, death due to degenerative disease. Tea is one way to prevent disease degeneracy.
History of the Chinese mention green tea (Camellia sinensis) began to be used as a beverage since 2700 BC in the dynasty of Emperor Shen Nung, but recorded in the ancient dictionary of 350 years before Christ. About 200 years before Christ in the book mentioned Chinese herbs nutritious tea leaves removes toxins from the body.
In the Japanese tradition of drinking tea originated in China around the 6th century AD. Since then, green tea has become a popular health and efficacious for use in shipping remote crew.
Research on green tea continue to be done until in 2004 they will know thoroughly the components in green tea as powerful antioxidants, which are able to ward off the attack of free radicals which cause degeneration in human organs, including the emergence of various types of cancer, of whom at esophagus (food inlet to the stomach), stomach, pancreas, colon, rectum, bladder, prostate,
even lung and breast.
A potent antioxidant tea components. From at least seven components, there are four important components of the type of poly phenols in tea catechins act as powerful antioxidants, namely:
1) epigallocatechin-3 gallat (EGCG),
2) epigallocatechin (EGC),
3) epicatechin-3 gallat (ECG).
EGCG is the most powerful, 100 times the vitamin C and 25 times the vitamin E. Poly phenols are easily soluble in water include cluster groups of flavonoids are usually present in fruits, vegetables, coffee, chocolate and wine. Their own free radicals are formed naturally in the body. These molecules can damage human cells. People suspect that this is one of the molecular causes of cancer, including various types of other diseases such as heart disease and aging.
The content of poly phenol compounds that are very much in green tea acts as a protective against cancer. Poly phenols belong to a powerful antioxidant. This compound will neutralize free radicals that cause cancer.
Biological function in the health of various kinds, a lot of green tea is recommended for consumption because the benefits were double.Not just as powerful antioxidants, fight heart disease or prevent inflammation, but green tea has a 'has lot of' other benefits that you should not ignore. Anything? Let's see:
° as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals
¨ Work on Preventing cardiovascular disease & heart disease
¨ Reduce cholesterol in the blood.
¨ Stimulates weight loss.
¨ Prevent the development of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori causes stomach pain, support the growth of microflora in the intestines and diarrhea.
¨ Protecting renal function by pressing the effects of uremic poisoning
¨ Prevent perforation tooth and gum disease.
¨ Eliminate bad breath (deodorization).
¨ Slowing the process of cataract.
¨ Indicate the nature of anti-virus and anti-microbial.
¨ Have the nature of "chemo prevention" (to prevent cell damage through a process
¨ Protects skin from ultraviolet rays.
¨ Inhibits lung damage due to tobacco.
¨ Protects liver
¨ To provide protection against acute pancreatitis.
¨ Maintain healthy esophagus.
¨ Protects the stomach lining.
¨ Prevent the growth of prostate and breast tumors
¨ Protects memory
¨ Creator ageless
In addition to the above, catechins are also anti-allergic, which prevents the formation of histamine which is a body reaction when attacked by allergens that cause allergies. Research shows that a cup of green tea has anti-oxidant power greater than a serving of broccoli, carrots, spinach or strawberries.
Below is described some explanation of the biological functions of research results
1. Activity as antioxidants
Antioxidant properties of green tea could protect DNA of cells from free radical oxidation damage attack and thus the growth of cells
wild or benign tumors can be prevented.
2. Benefits against cardiovascular disease and cholesterol levels in
Epidemiological studies (studies the causes of disease in the population) show
that those who drank four cups of green tea per day or more smaller risk of having atherosclerosis (blocked arteries) and heart disease green koroner.Teh reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol) and lower total serum cholesterol and triglycerides total. In contrast, black tea (green tea is not fermented) did not affect anything on the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
3. Stimulate weight loss.
Green tea increases the incidence of burning body fat and plays an important role in controlling the composition of the human body.
4. Preventing the bacteria H. Pylori, the cause of abdominal pain, increased gut microflora and is useful in treating diarrhea. H. pylori is a bacterial cause of gastritis and deadly gastrointestinal disease, including cancer. Component of green tea, especially ECGC healing effect against H. pylori infection is. Polyphenols from green tea stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are proven to enhance immunity. In addition, reducing the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridium perfrigens, Clostridium difficle, even the bacteria Escherichia coli.
5. Renal protection from the formation of uremic toxins.
Kidney major role in the release of substances that are useless produced by metabolism in the body. The kidneys have a better ability to maintain its function and to regenerate organs. Accumulation of uremic toxins in the kidneys resulting in decreased kidney function that is marked by symptoms of uremia or kidney failure. These toxins include methylamine, acid guani-dino-sukkinat and metilguanidin. Metilguanidin derived from creatinine is trending cause diseases such as anorexia (poor appetite), ulcers (peptic ulcers), neuropathy (nervous system disorders) and anemia (deficiency of red blood). Polyphenols in green tea suppress the production of metilguanidin as seen from the decreasing levels of serum metilguanidin in blood after drinking green tea for some time. (Trials lasted up to six months).
6. Prevent cavities and gum disease.
Both of these are caused by the growth-development of oral bacteria. Green tea is obviously reduce the amount of harmful bacteria, including streptococci in the mouth and prevent the occurrence of plaque (coral) teeth. Gum disease occurs due to inflammation of the gums due to bacterial infection of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Green tea can significantly reduce the bacteria in the lining of the gums that make your mouth healthier.
7. Deodorisasi effect in the mouth.
Sulfur compounds formed in the mouth like methylmercaptan and some sulfide as a result of decomposition of proteins by enzymes and bacteria cause bad breath (halitosis) after meals. Green tea can reduce
a striking phenomenon this halitosis.
8. Slowing the process of blurring of the lens in cataract.
Cataract allegedly arising from the formation of reactive oxidant species peroxide (such as free radicals) that attack the cells so that the lens gradually becomes opaque. ECGC was able to stop this blurring process by pressing the increase in the formation of peroxides. Thus proved ECGC in green tea may prevent or slow the occurrence of cataracts.
9. Antiviral and antimicrobial effects
The virus entered the human body through the skin, sexual organs, respiratory and digestive tract. Viruses contain DNA or RNA that could reproduce themselves by using human cells. Green tea was able to influence the biosynthesis of virus proteins with human cells, that concluded catechins from green tea may be useful to prevent or treat various disorders caused by viruses, including pathogenic DNA viruses: adenovirus, herpes, smallpox, and viral RNA: retroviruses (cause of HIV / AIDS). Several types of retrovirus and herpes are also stimulates the growth of cancer. Common symptoms caused by viral infection are fever, fatigue, poor appetite and poisoning. In addition to the prevention of DNA and RNA synthesis above, extracts of green tea also are antiviral against influenza viruses, herpes simplex, Coxsackie virus B6 and polio. It was concluded that green tea showed the ability against the "bacterial
cytotoxicity "(toxicity in the cell by the bacteria) and the ability to fight viruses and bacteria.
10. Chemical Prevention (Chemo prevention).
Eating and lifestyle habits that interfere with health such as eating lots of fat, spices and pickles that stimulate and also smoke, drink alcohol and eat less vegetables and fruits cause various health problems due to degeneration. These disorders include hypertension (high blood pressure), heart problems, stroke and cancer. Prevention of Chemical Terms (Chemo prevention) differ with Cancer Therapy because here the main objective is to reduce the risk of the possibility of cancer. Because it is in a healthy lifestyle, foods and supplements that contain anti-carcinogenic substances must exist in the daily diet.
Research shows that drinking green tea in large quantities, especially more than 10 cups a day of great benefit to human health, including chemical prevention of cancer, including cancers of the digestive system of the esophagus (food channel between the mouth and stomach) to the stomach, intestine and rectum . Green tea also suppress the growth of the virus that causes leukemia in the blood of ECGC even proved able to kill leukemia cells that are common in America.
Advantages of chemical prevention of cancer with green tea is its safety without any side effects, cheap and quick to prepare.
11. Protects the skin against ultraviolet light.
The content of polyphenols in green tea can prevent cancer and inflammation in the skin. If applied to the skin, he was able to protect the skin from UV rays and substances that stimulate the tumor to the skin. These benefits are also obtained when green tea is drunk. At this time there was a protective skin cream against ultra-violet rays that contain green tea components called epigallo.
12. Prevent damage to the lungs by tobacco.
Drinking green tea prevents the occurrence of tumors in the lungs caused by carcinogens in tobacco content, the various compounds nitrosamines.
13. Protecting the liver
As antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause damage
cells, green tea increases the activity of the enzymes the body's defense superoksid dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase and catalase which protects the liver, lungs, skin, mammary glands and digestive system. Other studies have shown the ability of green tea provides protection against brain aging. (Regarding these enzymes see article this blogspot aging).
14. Protects against acute pancreatitis.
Controlled studies of a large number of residents in Shanghai showed reduced risk of colon cancer, rectum and pancreas. After treatment with polyphenols from green tea as much as 500 mg / kg body weight per day, was a decline in the number of those affected by pancreatic cancer.
15. Keeping healthy esophagus.
Esophageal cancer was ranked the ninth of cancer that frequently occur in the world. Approximately 300,000 new cases reported each year while 80% of them occur in developing countries. As against other cancer types, green tea can prevent it if taken regularly.
16. Protecting the skin layer of the stomach.
Epidemiological studies also show that those who drink green tea regularly at low risk of skin cancer in the lining of the stomach. This is because the ability of EGCG to prevent cancer in glands on the surface of the stomach.
17. Prevent the growth of prostate and breast tumors.
Reports from several countries in Asia showed low level of prostate and breast cancer cases in areas that have a habit of drinking green tea daily.
18. Protect your memory.
Green tea seems to also keep the brain remain 'sharp' from the danger of dementia. Adults who drink green tea at least two cups a day appear to have no serious cognitive problems than those who drank tea less than that amount. Why? Once again because of high doses of antioxidants contained in tea to combat free radicals are potentially damaging to the brain like those seen in patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
19. Constructor ageless.
Well this is the most important of the younger and healthier your arteries, so the impact you are also getting looks healthier and younger. So fight plaque that accumulate in the blood vessels that would increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Add biological age and energy by consuming green tea. How many doses should be consumed? About 10 ounces of green tea per day which will hinder the body absorb fat and cholesterol that clog arteries.
Results from various studies in the United States, Europe and Asia showed that green tea is beneficial in reducing the risk of skin cancer, digestive system, lung, prostate, breast, and liver as well as the process of cataract in the eye. As antioxidants, polyphenols in green tea protects the blood and LDL cholesterol from free radical attacks that lead to cardiovascular disease and stroke. Its role in the increased activity of defense enzymes that fight free radicals cause the polyphenols it contains gives the nature of anti-viral and antimicrobial as well as prevent the onset of uremic toxins that cause kidney failure, against the bacteria that attack the gums and causes tooth perforation.
Polyphenols in green tea is easily absorbed into all parts of the human body, does not cause toxicity in the long term because of its high toxicity threshold. Figures of the mouse lethal dose limit is between 3 g / kg for female rats and 5 g / kg for male rats. Therefore, when drinking 10 cups of green tea every day, its polyphenol intake for humans is only about 20 mg / kg body weight, well below the lethal threshold. Figures 10 mg / kg body weight or 5 cups a day was effective enough to provide protection by antioxidants.
Various studies support the conclusion that drinking green tea regularly can help businesses significantly improve health and disease prevention. Drinking black tea, the tea leaves have fermented it to enhance the flavor and fragrance, is also helpful, but not as much green tea.
(Adapted from information from the Internet based on the results of research around the world).
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