Tricep Dips to tighten Arms

SHUTTERSTOCK stand up against the Chair, then Your body sangga with both arms behind your body.
Arm may begin to slim down, but it's been tight muscles? You certainly don't want Your swaying arms under your hand motions.
To create a lean and toned arms, you don't need to practice hooks and uppercuts as in kickboxing class. Also do not need a dumbbell or push-ups. "Triceps (forearm) is often overlooked, but remains a muscle that is important to strengthen the arms," said Kate Brown, ISSA CFT, from
Strong triceps will not only prevent you from the arms of the menggelambir, but also balance the biceps (upper arm) so that You appear to be proportional to the total.

"There are many ways kok, to train Your triceps," dial Brown. "My own love tricep dips because the movement is most useful. This movement makes use of body weight as resistance to lower and raise your body back to the starting position. "

This exercise also requires a lot of property. Simply provide the Chair, ladder, or a park bench, or other objects with a flat surface. The following movements:

Early position
Stand up against another seat or the bench, with such a position would sit. Sangga your body with both arms behind your body, palms flat on the Chair. Seimbangkan your body at the Palm of the hand, and bend the legs in front of your body. Knee bend, while the heels touch the floor.

Degrading body
Lower your body by bending the elbow. Make sure your shoulders away from the ears, and neck remains upright.  Hold the upper body will mess up Your movement.

Lifting body
When the second arm bends in a corner of 90 degrees, or butt You almost touched the floor, slowly align your elbows to push yourself to the starting position.
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For beginners, do the movement up and down this 6-8 times the reps, three times a week. When you are getting stronger, make her movements become more difficult. For example, with elongate legs to the front of your body.

Source: RealBeauty Share Tweet



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